Contact us


If you are interested in our products, welcome to visit our company for more information

  • TEL


  • ADD

    Room202, Comprehensive Building, No. 6.7.8, Luo Loin Community, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN



  • Message feedback

    If you have any needs or questions, please fill in the following form, and we will give feedback within 4 hours!
  • Service

    For best customer service

  • Fast response

    7x24 hours fast response, prompt feedback

  • Expert team

    Professional engineering management & service team, well-defined workflow & implementation rules

  • Intimate after-sales

    Excellent technical support and after-sales service to ensure product stable, safe, and efficient operation

  • Security

    Well-established and implement quality assurance system and security management system to regulate the information service system.

  • Room202, Comprehensive Building, No. 6.7.8, Luo Loin Community, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, CN


    Consultation message
    If you have any needs or questions, please fill in the following form, and we will give feedback within 4 hours!